ESC To Re-open February 8 for 1-on-1 coaching lessons only

The Province of Alberta has eased some restrictions for gym/athletics and restaurants starting on Feb 8, 2021. We at the ESC are pleased to be able to open again albeit with significant restrictions affecting play. Specifically:

  • Courts are available by appointment only through one of our certified coaches
  • Access to squash is only available through supervised coaching with a certified coach
  • Coaching is restricted to 1-on-1 sessions (any age). Group coaching is not allowed
  • Use of the ball machine is allowed, coaches to pick up balls using a racquet

The club continues to offer a discounted rate for coaching sessions while play is impacted by Covid-19 restrictions (4 sessions for $150 sold as a package). There will be no expiry date for lesson use but the rates will increase once Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. Available coaches: 

Under AHS 1 Step 1 restrictions the following are not allowed: Uncoached solo-practice of any kind; same household practice/play; pod play; and access to the weight room (we do not have a certified personal trainer on staff).

Safety protocols must be adhered to:

  • Hands must be sanitized upon arrival
  • Masks must be worn in all common areas at all times
  • 3 meters is the new social/ physical  distancing guideline for sport at this time
  • As a reminder please refrain from wiping your hands on the walls and glass.   
  • Coaches must wear a mask at all times. Players are not required to wear a mask when on court under the supervision of the coach

We are all sympathetic to you, the members, as we continue under AHS mandated restrictions. We are actively advocating for squash through Squash Alberta and directly with AHS representatives. We must continue following AHS guidelines for us to ensure a safe environment for all until Covid-19 is under control. Please contact John or Nic at if you have any questions. 

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