Easter Weekend Schedule, New Court Booking Rules, Doubles Update and More

Club News

Easter Weekend Hours

Going into the Easter weekend, the squash club will be open as always from 5 AM to midnight for all our members with fob access. However we are adjusting the staffed hours for the holiday weekend. The club will be staffed from:

Friday March 25th: Noon-8pm
Saturday March 26th: 10am-6pm
Sunday March 27th: No staff
Monday March 28th: 9am-2pm & 4pm-Close (normal hours)
Junior Squash programs will not be running on Sunday.

Court Bookings Adjustment

Two items high on the member request list were to allow for solo court booking, and booking two court times consecutively outside of prime time. Well, now you can do both! During non-primetime players are now able to book a court as an individual. To double book a session, simply solo book a court and then have your playing partner solo book the court in the following time slot. For the moment we are defining primetime as 4:30 PM to 9 PM weekdays and 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM on weekends.

Doubles Drop-In

We have been offering the doubles drop-in for February and March on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 6:40 PM to 8 PM. Participation has been good, and we would like the drop-ins to continue for the month of April. We would like as many people as possible to come and enjoy double squash as much as we do! If you are planning on coming to the drop-in please contact Jeff @ 780-720-8294 or Jeff.williams@edmontonsquashclub.ca
On Saturday, April 2, Greg Wagner is organizing a drop in as well. If you would like to take part please email Greg @ gregtwagner@gmail.com.

Junior Squash Event

The Edmonton Junior Squash Event #5 is taking place at the Edmonton Squash Club on Sunday April 10th from 9am-5pm. It will be for players between 6 and 18 years of age. All levels are invited to participate, especially new and novice players! Each registrant is guaranteed 3 matches, and will receive a souvenir shirt, and pizza for $20!
To sign up please contact Julie Multamaki by Saturday March 26th @ multamaki@yahoo.com.

Squash Ball Machine is now available

The Squash Cannon ball machine is a great tool for skill acquisition. There’s nothing like hitting over 100 balls of the same shot to fix nagging weaknesses. To be able to book the ball machine you need to book a 30 minute orientation lesson with Jeff or Ibrahim for a quick tutorial. Also, the coaches will assist in how best to set up the ball machine for the shots you want to work on. Once you’ve had your Ball machine lesson you can book the ball machine at the front desk for only $10 per court time.

Steam Room

Unfortunately, despite the ongoing efforts from Scott Builders we have been unable to identify source of the leak in the Men’s steam room. As a result, they have elected to remove some of the tile and the door to help diagnose the issue. We expect that it will be a couple of weeks before the Men’s steam room will be operational again. Thank you for your patience while it is being fixed.


I wrote about these last time, but just in case you missed it…

ESC Summer league

The Edmonton Squash Club has the most popular Summer Squash Leagues in the city. Members and non-members of the Edmonton Squash Club are all welcome to register. Make sure you sign up quickly for this 10 week team league on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings. Sign up for the night you prefer – or both! Each night will have a maximum of 64 participants, with two groups alternating play times from 6 PM to 8 PM one week and 8 PM to 10 PM the next. Players and teams will be ranked based on players Interclub level & position. To register as a member, login to your account and click on adult programs navigate from there. If a non-member wants to sign up please visit the following link: https://ts2.clubinterconnect.com/edmonton/home/reportView.do?id=201&camptypeid=24

ESC Club Championships – May 6th-8th
Members of the Edmonton Squash Club are encouraged to sign up for the inaugural ESC squash club championships. The categories available will be Open, B, C, D, E. All levels of players are encouraged to play. Players will be guaranteed three matches. Registration will be available soon so don’t miss it!

Call for used equipment

Lightly used squash shoes, racquets and eye guards needed!!!

We want your old squash shoes, used (but not broken) squash racquets and eye guards that you don’t need anymore. We have a large number of prospective members that show up at the ESC but they don’t have the appropriate footwear or equipment to play. This is a large obstacle in getting future members signed up. If we had a stock of used squash equipment we could get these potential members onto the court and hopefully signing up! If you have any equipment to donate please contact the front desk.


Squash news

PSA Tournament Results

All eyes are on Hull, England this week for the 2016 Allam British Open where Camille Serme and Mohamed El Shorbagy both look to repeat as champions. So far the match to watch has been a nail biter between the just-back-on-tour Ramy Ashour (EGY) against Ryan Cuskelly (NZL) which included this leg-burner of a rally replayed in slow motion for your viewing pleasure. The later rounds will be on during the day local time this weekend.

Quick Links

  • Chris Hanebury who writes at the Serious Squash Blog has been adding a series of ball skills exercises on his youtube channel (mostly variations of figure 8 hitting. Can you do this one?
  • For those who like to plan ahead, the 2018 World Master’s Squash championships will be held at the beautiful McArthur Squash Centre at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville USA. Age categories will range from 35+ to 80+.
  • Is this a new version of a handicap in squash?

Keep Swinging!

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