Hollie Naughton Camp Wrap-Up

Hollie Naughton was in town for a weekend of intense training (and some fun).

As a firm believer in physical fitness and repetition, Hollie put our camp participants through the wringer with various condition games and drills throughout the weekend to give everyone more options in their arsenal on your game day.

Throughout the weekend Hollie was able to spot technical flaws and provide different feedback to each player so that they can improve their game. The week-long camp concluded on Sunday with the players gaining some valuable insights and squash tips from Hollie.

Hollie’s energy during this camp was contagious. Players described her coaching as “Tough” yet “Fun”. Ibrahim in comparison was described as “a softie” and “easy-peasy”.

Off the court, Hollie was as engaging, personable and fun as she was a killer on the court.

A few quotes from our members:

“She worked our butts off and it was a lot of fun”

    -Heather Looy

“I learned a lot. Now I can move easier and faster on the court – no problem”

    – Hannah Hay

“She is one tough cookie”

    – Jim Dawson

“It was really hard, but you learn from it and that’s what makes you a better player”

– Molli Hay

Thank you also to Ibrahim for organizing the camp and helping out with the coaching.

We’ll miss you Hollie, and can’t wait to have you here again!



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