Junior Programs

This program will focus on fun activities to keep your kids moving, learn about the game of squash and develop hand-eye coordination, ball skills, and racquet awareness. Squash is a fast-moving and exciting sport for boys and girls of all ages.
Junior Program for all children ages 7-9
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 6:00 pm-6:45 pm
Winter Session #2
Dates:March 7th- April 25th (7 weeks)
Member Cost: $63.00
Non-Member Cost: $84.00
*Please note there will not be any class March 28th due to Spring Break*
Registration opens February 1st
This program will focus on fun activities to keep your kids moving, learn about the game of squash and develop hand eye coordination, ball skills, and racquet awareness. Squash is a fast moving and exciting sport for all ages.
Junior Program for all children ages 7-9
Day: Sundays
Time: 11:15am-12pm
Winter Session #2
Dates: March 11th- April 29th (7 weeks)
Member Cost: $68
Non-Member Cost: $85
*Please note there will not be any class April 1st due to Spring Break*
Registration opens February 1st
Our young athletes will work on basics of the game, court etiquette, and the ability to play a match of Squash. They will work on skills such as proper court movement, racquet skills, and work towards being successful at hitting all basic and some intermediate shots.
Junior Program for all children ages 9-12
Day: Thursdays
Time: 5:15pm-6:45pm
Winter Session #2
Dates: March 1st-April 26th (8 weeks)
Member Cost:$144.00
Non-Member Cost: $180.00
*Please note there will not be any class March 29th due to Spring Break*
Registration opens February 1st
Our young athletes will work on basics of the game, court etiquette, and the ability to play a match of Squash. They will work on skills such as proper court movement, racquet skills, and work towards being successful at hitting all basic and some intermediate shots.
Junior Program for all children ages 9-12
Day: Sundays
Time: 12:00 pm-1:15 pm
Winter Session #2- This session will run 12:00 pm-1:15 pm
Dates: March 1st-April 26th (7 weeks)
Member Cost: $148.75
Non-Member Cost: $185.93
*Please note there will not be any class March 29th due to Spring Break*
Registration opens February 1st
Our young athletes will continue to work on footwork and improving their racquet skills. This session will focus on strategies with playing squash matches and building a love for the life time sport of squash.
Junior Program for all children ages 9+
Day: Sundays
Time: 1:15pm-2:30pm
Winter Session #2
Dates: March 11th-April 28th
Member Cost: $148.75
Non-Member Cost: $185.93
*Please note there will not be any class April 1st due to Spring Break*
Registration opens February 1st
The High Performance Program is designed to teach our Junior Squash Players to play in a more competitive stream of Squash. Our athletes train in this group to excel in shot selection, foot work and compete in both Junior and Adult tournaments. If you are wondering if this program is right for your child please speak to one of our coaches.
Junior Program for all children ages 9+
Day: Sundays
Time: 2:30 pm-3:45 pm
Winter Session #2 this session will be running 2:30pm- 3:45pm
Dates: March 11th-April 28th
Member Cost: $148.75
Non-Member Cost: $185.93
*Please note there will not be any class April 1st due to Spring Break*
Registration opens February 1st
Adult Training Programs

For Members & Non-Members of the ESC.
This program is designed for anyone that would like to learn the sport of squash. After this program, you will understand the proper techniques, etiquette, rules and format of a squash match.
Learn to Play 1.0 2018 Summer Session
Registration Open
Day: Monday
Dates: June 4th- July 9th (5 weeks)
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Cost: $75
Check out our program calendar HERE
For Members and Non- Members of the ESC
This group program is geared towards the players that have finished the Learn to Play Squash program or players that are playing in Levels 6 or 7 in Interclub.
Sessions will continue to improve players technique with drills that focus on fitness and shot placement. If you're not sure if this program is right for you, please contact Jeff Williams
LTPS 2.0 2018 Summer Session
Registration Open
Day: Wednesday
Dates: June 6th-July 4th (5 weeks)
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Check out our program calendar HERE
The Squash Training Program is a 5 week program for Interclub players that would like to raise their game to the next level. By registering in this session all participants will get the opportunity to hit with players of similar ability. This program typically fills up quickly so make sure you sign up fast!
This program is designed for players that are Interclub levels of 2-4. These sessions will improve movement efficiency, shot selection & execution and also match tactics.
Adult Squash Training Level 2-4
Registration Open
Day: Monday
Dates: June 4th - July 9th (5 weeks) No class July 2nd
Time: 8:30 pm - 9:45 pm
Member Price: $100
Non-member Price: $125
For Members and Non- Members of the ESC
Check out our program calendar HERE
The Squash Training Program is a 5 week program for Interclub players that would like to raise their game to the next level. By registering in this session all participants will get the opportunity to hit with players of similar ability. This program typically fills up quickly so make sure you sign up fast!
This program is designed for players that are Interclub levels 5 – 7. These sessions will focus on reinforcing proper technique, improve movement and shot execution.
Adult Squash Training Level 5-7 2018 Summer Session
Registration Open
Day: Monday
Dates: June 4th - July 9th (5 weeks) No class July 2nd
Time: 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm
Member Price:$100
Non-member Price: $125
For Members and Non- Members of the ESC
Check out our program calendar HERE
Squash Fitness Boot Camp- Summer Edition
Mike Fouts of OverHaul Fitness has a great boot camp planned this Summer for all the squash players looking to improve their fitness. Join in Sunday mornings, and get your body moving. Bring your runners and water bottle because Mike is going to get you moving!
Day: Wednesday
Dates: June 6th- June 27th
Times: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Cost: $7.00/ class
Check out our program calendar HERE
Squash Fitness Boot Camp- Summer Edition
Mike Fouts of OverHaul Fitness has a great boot camp planned this Summer for all the squash players looking to improve their fitness. Join in Sunday mornings, and get your body moving. Bring your runners and water bottle because Mike is going to get you moving!
Day: Sunday
Dates: June 10th - June 24th
Times: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Cost: $7.00/ class
Check out our program calendar HERE
The Edmonton Squash Club Summer Leagues are the most popular Summer Leagues in the city.
There will be two groups of teams playing each evening which will alternate 6pm & 8pm start times. Players and teams will be ranked based on players Interclub level & position.
Day: Tuesday
Dates:May 15th- July 17th
Times: 6:00pm- 8:00pm & 8:00pm- 10:00pm
Cost: Member- $100.00
Non-Member- $200.00
Included in the ESC Squash Summer League
-7 weeks of Regular Season
-2 weeks of Playoffs
-Souvenir handed out on the 5th Week
-Prizes for the top teams in each Division
-Post match pizza every week
Check out our program calendar HERE
The Edmonton Squash Club Summer Leagues are the most popular Summer Leagues in the city.
There will be teams of 5 playing each evening beginning at 6pm Players and teams will be ranked based on players Interclub level & position.
Day: Thursday
Dates:May 17th- July 19th
Times: 6:00pm- 9:00
Cost: Member- $100.00
Non-Member- $200.00
Included in the ESC Squash Summer League
-7 weeks of Regular Season
-2 weeks of Playoffs
-Souvenir handed out on the 5th Week
-Prizes for the top teams in each Division
-Post match pizza every week
Check out our program calendar HERE
ESC Leagues

Doubles League
The Doubles League is going to be a great way to get a regular competitive Doubles match every week. All players sign up as individuals and are ranked and scheduled to play. Match times will begin at 6pm. 4 players will be scheduled at each time and the players will take turns being partners with each other.
The ESC Box League is designed to have 5 players in a box. Each registrant must play the other 4 players before the end of the month. At the end of the month the results are tabulated and the top 2 players move up to the next box above and the bottom two players move down to the lower box. The winner of each box will receive a gift certificate to the ESC Pro Shop.
Time: Variable, set your own match times and dates
Maximum Entries: 100
Member Fee: $15
Registration is made available on the 15th of every month for the upcoming month.
Drop In Squash

The Friday Drop-In is the perfect way to end the work week. Come have some fun and a hit with players from all skill levels. Everyone is welcome!
Day & Time: Fridays 4:30pm-7:30pm
Free for members of any category (does not count towards your monthly court bookings), non-members are asked to pay a regular guest fee
Our Monday Morning Drop In is designed for Squash player with a flexible schedule that are looking for a hit during the day. Come have some fun and a hit with players from all skill levels. Everyone is welcome!
Day & Time: Mondays 9:45 am- Noon
Free for members of any category (does not count towards your monthly court bookings), non-members are asked to pay a regular guest fee
The Edmonton Squash Club is excited to be hosting the first Women’s Drop-In of 2018, bring your squash gear and we’ll get you on court playing with women of all levels!
Singles & Doubles Squash will begin at 3:00 pm
Please register for the drop-in so we can arrange some matches for you via email info@edmontonsquashclub.ca
Day: Saturday
Date: January 13th, 2018
Times: 3:00pm-5:15pm
Free for members of any category (does not count towards your monthly court bookings), non-members are asked to pay a regular guest fee